Where to begin? So I've done this before, a juice cleanse that is. Everyone always asks me about it and wants to know more details so here we are! I, in NO WAY, profess to be any sort of expert on this, I am only recording my thoughts. I am not telling you this is the only way to do a juice cleanse, I am not a doctor, I can only tell you what I've found and share my experiences. So, disclaimers out of the way, let's begin.
I need six or seven 12-16oz. juices in order to keep from being hungry. The goal is to pick recipes that give you the biggest variety of fruits and vegetables, and I drink water in between the juices. I promise, you won't be hungry!! Start with the lemonade-it helps with digestion for the rest of the day. End with the almond milk-you'll go to bed with a full tummy! You can even warm it up a bit. The others can be done in any order, it's up to you! It's important to remember that this is NOT a diet. This is meant to be a cleanse...something to detox your body, maybe give a kickstart to a weightloss plan you're going to start. I find that once I've completed one, my eating habits change afterwards. I make healthier choices in my eating-I eat smaller portions, I want less processed foods. It reminds me how much I love fresh produce. I like to do these every few months! I try to see them as a challenge, and I find that if I see it that way, I really enjoy the cleanse!
I use a Cuisinart compact juice extractor. It's pretty easy to use. My only complaint is that the container that catches the juice is only 16 ounces. I typically use it to make large batches, so to get around that, I empty the juice container into a larger pitcher and then distribute the juice into the containers for the three days. I juice everything on the same day and divide them into 16oz mason jars (so I can reuse my containers). I would not recommend making juice to last for more than three days. It starts to go bad.
What follows is a list of the 7 recipes I will use for a three day juice cleanse. I recommend that if you decide to do more than three days, that you vary you recipes so that you don't get bored.
3 lemons
Pour the juice of these lemons into a jar and fill the rest up with water.
I recommend taking all the pith and skin off the lemon. You do NOT want a bitter lemonade to start your day off. If the skin is REALLY thin, it's ok to juice the whole thing-you'll get more juice too!
Green Carrot Juice
1 handful of spinach
2 stalks of celery
4 carrots
1 green apple
1 handful of parsley
1/2 lemon
If you can, try to get the apple seeds and the stem off the apple. It's ok to put the peel in but the seeds are a little hard to deal with.
Strawberry Fields
2 red apples
2 carrots
8 strawberries
I bet you've never had strawberry juice. Most people haven't, but I am telling you, when you smell it, you may consider drinking straight strawberry juice!
Romaine-Apple Orange Juice
2 cups romaine
2 green apples
1 orange
2 stalks of celery
1/2 a cucumber
The orange should be treated the same as the lemons. If the skin is thick, take it all off! If you don't it will be bitter! I also take the peel off the cucumbers if it's waxy.
Mint-Berry Juice
2 cups blueberries
2 kiwis
16 strawberries
2 cups of mint leaves
Take the skin off the kiwis and the tops off of the strawberries. I take the mint leaves off of the stalks too.
Almond Milk
1 cup of almonds that have been soaked overnight in water.
4 cups of water
6 dates--please oh please take the pits out!!
1 vanilla bean
Ok so this one takes a bit of work. But it is SO worth it, I promise. So, the nuts need to soak overnight if possible. You may not believe me, but I am telling you anyway....the nuts will get bigger! They'll absorb the water. Like if you squeeze them, you can ring the water back out of them!! So after they soak, take 1 cup of them, and add them to a BLENDER with 4 more cups of water. Yes, I said BLENDER. Not your juicer! Add the dates--no pits please! And add the beans from the vanilla bean. Have you ever used a vanilla bean? Take a paring knife and split the bean longways. Use the back of the knife to get the beans out of the skin. Add that to the blender and blend everything together. Next you have to put all this mixture through a cheesecloth. What comes out of the cloth is your almond milk. And it is SO good.
Coconut Water
Ok so this is not technically a recipe, but I buy RAW coconut water as the 7th drink of the day. It has to be raw and unprocessed, ok? No sweeteners, nothing added. Completely raw.
Before I conclude, I wanna talk about cleaning and the waste. I don't know about your juicer, but mine needs to have the pulp cleaned out WAY before I'm ready to stop juicing. So my process is that I assemble all of the ingredients for three days worth of ONE recipe. I juice all of that together. Sometimes, I have to keep watch on the pulp container because it can get clogged before I'm done with that batch of ingredients. When I am done making that batch, I take everything apart and rinse the parts with the hottest water I can get out of the faucet. That way when I start the next recipe, it won't taste like the last recipe I made. Also it's good to give your juicer a break, and make sure that it's not working too hard. The more pulp that stays stuck inside, the harder the juicer has to work and the less efficient it becomes. This is carrot pulp. I hear that there are recipes for things to do with all of the pulp. It's a great source of fiber and I'm sure it'd be great for composting as well. I recommend an apron too, the juices can stain, and I am telling you now. You can be as careful as you like, but at some point, some kind of fruit or pulp or juice is going to fly up onto your cabinets or your clothing or the floor or all of the above. It can get messy, but it's well worth it. I put a dish towel under my juicer. That helps a lot.

Waste...So we talked about the pulp, but I want to talk about the other waste. All this produce comes in containers. Most of these containers are plastic. Some are in plastic bags. Please, please recycle all that plastic!!
So that's a three day cleanse. Remember that these recipes make ONE beverage each. So to do this for three days, you would need to multiply by three. I recommend drinking your juices in one of those shaker bottles that you can mix protein shakes in. The juices can separate and it's helpful to have that little metal ball in there to mix them back up again.